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Whether you’re a Muslim or not, from France, England or Morocco, you’ve probably already heard of the Abaya. But how much do you really know about this controversial garment? In this blog post, we’re going to explain what is abaya, through a series of questions and answers.

What is abaya?
The abaya is a long, loose-fitting traditional dress covering the whole body except the hands and reaching down to the feet. It is traditionally black and devoid of any embellishments. It is particularly worn by religious women wishing to follow the dress code of their religion, as well as by people simply seeking modesty. The Abaya is often associated with Muslim women’s clothing. The abaya is deeply rooted in “Islamic culture” in many countries.
What is the purpose of abaya?
The purpose of abaya is to offer women who go out (or stay at home) a modest outfit that is in keeping with their religious (or moral) precepts. This means they can go out in the open without ‘exposing’ their beauty to men that are not “mahram” (for the religious aspect). The abaya is also a comfortable garment because of its large size. It is therefore a good alternative for women (without necessarily following religious precepts) who want to dress comfortably both indoors and outdoors.
What does the abaya symbolize?

That’s a good question! We can start by explaining what the abaya does not symbolise: it is neither a symbol of religious extremism nor a symbol of oppression. On the contrary, the abaya symbolises the desire and freedom of women to dress modestly, elegantly and comfortably, in keeping with their religious and moral values.
What is the difference between abaya and burka?

There are several differences between the burka and the abaya:
- Difference in style: the abaya is a long, loose dress covering the whole body (except the hands) and reaching down to the feet. As for the burka, it covers from head to toe, including the face, leaving a grid in front of the eyes.
- Regional difference: While the abaya is more universal and found in most parts of the world, the burka is mainly found in Afghanistan.
- Different styles: the abaya (especially nowadays) can come in different styles and colours. The burka is often seen with the same blue colour and style.
The modern abaya
Recent years have seen the advent of new styles of abaya, especially in western countries. The traditional simple black abaya with no embellishments is giving way to colourful abayas with original cuts. It moves the status of the abaya as a symbol of modest fashion.
Is abaya only for Muslims?
The short answer is no. Although the abaya is associated with a religious garment worn by Muslim women, it is not exclusive to them. So if you’re a non-Muslim woman who wants to dress comfortably, elegantly and modestly, you can wear an abaya.
Can I wear abaya without hijab?
Technically, yes. But if you follow the precepts of Islam, you have to cover yourself with a hijab or something else as mentioned in the Quran.
Do you wear anything under an abaya?
Yes, you can wear something under your abaya such as pants.
What material is the abaya made of?
The abaya can be made from a variety of materials. The most popular are:
- Cotton
- linen
- Medina silk
Rules of wearing abaya?
If you’re a Muslim, you must surely know that we’re required to cover our ‘beauty’ as mentioned in the Quran:
“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.” Surat Noor Verse 31
The abaya must be loose-fitting, not transparent, covering the arms and legs. In short, the abaya (when worn outdoors) must respect the Islamic precepts of modesty.
How to wear abaya in winter?
It’s clear that wearing a simple abaya in winter could be problematic! So to avoid turning into an ice cube, you can opt for an abaya coat that will cover you up and keep you warm with style and elegance, without compromising on modesty of course.
The abaya is a traditional dress symbolising modesty among women. It is often associated with Muslim women, but can also be worn by non-Muslim women. Traditionally black and unadorned, today the abaya can be found in a variety of shapes, styles and colours.